Unfortunately, flight delays and cancellations are a part of traveling. This can cause both complications and higher costs – but is there a way of avoiding all the inconvenience? Maybe! At Delayedorcanceled.com we have made an effort to make your flying as convenient as possible by collecting information about delays and cancellations on routes and flights around the world.
To find the information you can choose between two options – either search for your flight number or for a specific route between two airports. Here you can learn if this flight has been on time lately, or if there have been delays and/or cancellations. Hopefully this can help you find the best connecting airport or guide you to avoid certain connections.
To make up for your time lost and your extra costs, you can usually claim flight compensation if your flight is canceled or delayed. How much and which kind of compensation you will receive depends on a number of different reasons, for example which part of the world you are traveling to/from, which airline you use and the cause of the delay/cancellation.
If your flight is delayed or canceled, we recommend that you turn to your airline to learn what possibilities you have for compensation.
There are a number of different reasons that can cause flights to not be able to depart on time – or at all. One reason that occurs sometimes is bad weather conditions, either at your departing airport, on the way or at the destination. Good to know is that weather disruptions usually don't qualify as a reason for flight compensation.
Another reason for canceled flights are staffing shortages. This is a reason that can be sufficient for compensation, but it varies between airlines. The delays can also have to do with for example problems with the air traffic control or mechanical failures.